P. 1: Last Day in Cuba
P. 2: Enter the Sailor (Monica's Father).
All artwork, layout & coloring by mohabe art of Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) in Africa.
When you gotta go, you gotta go. You may as well go in style.
This part is toward the end of the book, when the action jumps ahead ten years, whereas the moon business is really what little plot there is in the main body of the novel. Aboard Deep Space Probe 187, his parents' old ship, Marshall (the kid in the first panel) works with one other telephone representative (Nathan, his supervisor, one of the C-class [C for cargo] personnel who help get the new moon there and who with his girlfriend decide to stay), selling spots in various pony act-outs (from the third book, a manga actually, titled A World Full of Lobsters) in the various theme parks on the new planet and moon. During this time period, Marshall's parents, Walt & Chely, are on another planet trying to terraform it, but it's very difficult because it's a frozen world (think Europa in Jupiter's orbit) and they're working under the ice sheet, attempting to construct shelters where colonists could live. The latter is the fifth book in this series, Desire and Decision (that's from a line in "Lolita", something like "Desire and decision: the two things that make a live world."), which I set aside so I could do more work on Marci & Rascal. Camilo (who comes in handy as a worker because he's a big guy; on the island [in the South Pacific, where "Paradise Lost" takes place, where Carolyn & John crash-land the space shuttle Lexington at the end of "Paradise Regained"] he was a chicken farmer because their replicator won't do eggs, for some strange reason) & Monica figure prominently in that book also, as They Are On The Wrong Side Of History.
Here is a link to the book online.