or Snoopy at the beach (again, left-click each picture once and after it resets left-click it again to see the largest version). My girl Alexis at S & P e-mailed me that she's trying to confirm "the 50 companies in the S & P 500 with the highest concentration of shares held by short sellers rose 59.6 percent last year versus 23.5 percent for the entire index." This seems to be the point of contention. I'm calling AP later on in the morning because of the lack of attribution in the article. Now it's still dark out but yesterday, as you can see, it was beautiful at the beach. I'm going back Saturday. I've been doing a lot of polishing on the sequel. I think both books are finally ready. Meanwhile, the property management office for my home owners' association called me because they can't find my check along with a bunch of others. My supervisor for the census job also called to confirm my training. The cooordinator for the finance academy where I want to student teach also e-mailed back, saying that now is crazy but after May 1st should be better. Is fate scheming? Does Murphy's law rule the universe? Time will tell.
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